Pursuant to the Penal Code an act is a corruption offence if the act committed by a person meets the following criteria specified in the Penal Code:
- Embezzlement - an official takes illegally to himself or gives into the possession of a third person the moveable property entrusted to him in relation to his office or other assets belonging to another person.
- Gratuities/bribe - Natural or legal person promises, arranges receipt or grants gratuities/a bribe to an official and the official consents to or accepts gratuities/a bribe. In return for the gratuities or bribe the official uses his official position and performs a lawful act, an unlawful act or omits to perform an act binding on him.
- Influence peddling - A person uses his influence on an official in order that the latter, using his official position, would perform an act or would omit to perform an act. In return for the deed the person will accept remuneration or other benefits.
- Violation of requirements of carrying out public procurement - At the public procurement competition an official grants one of the participants unjustified favourable conditions or violates in any other way the requirements set for the public procurement, as a result of which considerable material damage is caused.
- Counterfeiting or falsification of documents by officials - An official falsifies a document or issues a falsified document.
- Making unlawful procedural decision - A judge, prosecutor or higher police officer makes knowingly a wrong or unlawful procedural decision.